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Marshall/Putnam/Stark Probation District, Illinois Fellows

Photo of Kelly Jones
Kelly Jones
Founder, Illinois
Maitri Path to Wellness/Wellness and Recovery with Maitri

Kelly Jones, LCSW, CADC, SAP, founded both Maitri Path to Wellness and Wellness and Recovery with Maitri, driven by the profound need for local behavioral health services. Her impactful tenure in the Illinois Department of Corrections, the LaSalle County Jail, and the McClean County Drug Court, where she delivered crucial mental health and substance use disorder interventions, underscored the dire necessity for accessible, comprehensive behavioral health care and transition support in rural settings. This insight inspired her to found these organizations, ensuring that individuals in her community could receive quality care without the hardship of long-distance travel, thereby maintaining vital connections with their families. Ms. Jones’ endeavors, deeply rooted in her firsthand experiences, aim to provide all-encompassing, compassionate care to everyone, reflecting a deep commitment to the well-being of her community, transcending background or circumstances.

Photo of Allison Leezer
Allison Leezer
Probation Officer, Illinois
Stark County Probation

Allison Leezer is the Stark County District Probation Officer for the Marshall-Putnam-Stark County Probation District in Illinois. She primarily works with clients suffering from substance misuse or mental health issues that have led to criminal involvement. Ms. Leezer has been a resident of and the district probation officer in Stark County for 16 years. Her focus is bringing services closer to her clients to help better her clients’ lives and her community. Ms. Leezer graduated from Illinois State University with a bachelor of science degree.

Photo of Samantha McAvoy
Samantha McAvoy
Founder/Chief Executive Officer, Illinois
The Society of Growth Inc. (NFP)

Samantha McAvoy is the chief executive officer of The Society of Growth Inc. (NFP), a nonprofit serving a five-county catchment area including Henry, Stark, Marshall, Putnam, and Woodford Counties. The Society of Growth focuses on the rural demographic areas, working in the areas of the social determinants of health. Ms. McAvoy is excited to utilize her experience and strength-based leadership skills to continue working in grants, directing networks of collaborators, and increasing awareness across communities. Ms. McAvoy graduated with her master of science degree in applied behavior analysis from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology and is currently working on a doctor of philosophy degree in organizational leadership.

Photo of Megan Spradling
Megan Spradling
Chief Probation Officer, Illinois
Marshall County Probation

Megan Spradling is the chief probation officer for the Marshall/Putnam/Stark Probation District in Illinois. She is responsible for the direct supervision of district probation officers and overall operations. Ms. Spradling looks forward to learning to fill in resource gaps within her community to serve probation clients better. She hopes to improve the quality of life for all who reside in the district. Ms. Spradling is a lifelong resident of Putnam County, Illinois, and earned her bachelor of science degree in criminal justice from Bradley University.

Photo of Duane Stevens
Duane Stevens
Public Health Administrator, Illinois
Henry/Stark Health Department

Duane Stevens is the public health administrator for Henry and Stark Counties. He has been with his agency for almost 20 years, with the first 9 years as the chief financial officer and the last 10 as the public health administrator. Mr. Stevens is currently the immediate past president of the Illinois Association of Public Health Administrators (IAPHA) and the current president-elect of the Illinois Public Health Association (IPHA). He has been very involved in local initiatives as well as working with state leaders on key legislative pieces. Mr. Stevens is very passionate about public health and behavioral health care.

Photo of Wayne Strawn II
Wayne Strawn II
Sheriff, Illinois
Marshall County Sheriff’s Department

Wayne Strawn II is the sheriff of the Marshall County, Illinois, Sheriff’s Office, with 6 years as sheriff and 20 as a deputy. He is also a member of the Marshall County Mental Health (708) Board. Sheriff Strawn served in the U.S. Air Force during the Gulf War and holds an associate degree in criminal justice.